My Compelling Story
Her family was moved from Gujranwala, Pakistan to India during Partition (in 1947).At the age of nine, she was so intelligent that her sharp astuteness and deep understanding would astonish her teachers also.She started writing poetry at an early age, and till now, she has written hundreds of poems with their musical compositions.During her childhood, she used to meditate in silence and liked to listen to the philosophy of Vedanta.One day, she went into complete silence and after seven months quietness, she left her hometown and visited different holy places of North India; after reaching Rishikesh, she went into deep silence again for a longer period of time.She received her divine calling at the age of fourteen. She also used to deliver satsangs (spiritual sermon) to the people in her area.Sant Delawar Singh endowed her dikhsha with a new title Anand Murti Guruma..She has full faith in ancient Ayurvedic treatments and Yoga and conducts training classes in her ashram also.Guruma also gave her allocation at Jain Center of Southern California in August 2016.Her discourses are telecasted in the programme- Amrit Varsha, on Star Plus TV channel daily.